'Pulling Prints' to showcase printmaking in all its artistic forms
Narrowsburg, N.Y. The exhibition, curated by Judith Bodman of Blooming Grove, Pa., will showcase printmaking in all its artistic forms, including woodcuts, mono prints, etching, aquatint, silkscreen/serigraphs, lithography, linocuts, and even solar based prints.

The Delaware Valley Arts Alliance kicks off its 2020 exhibition series with “Pulling Prints,” a curated group printmaking show.
“Many artists in our area have presses and make a wide variety of beautiful prints,” said Rocky Pinciotti, the alliance's gallery director. "I have always wanted to have a large group printmaking exhibition that highlights the various forms of this versatile media. I was lucky enough to have Judith Bodman agree to curate this show.”
The exhibition will showcase printmaking in all its artistic forms: woodcuts, mono prints, etching, aquatint, silkscreen/serigraphs, lithography, linocuts, and even solar based prints.
Bodman, an artist from Blooming Grove, Pa., is a printmaker herself. She works in many mediums, including etchings, solar plate printing, linocuts, woodcut prints, wood engraving, and painting.
“I have a huge passion for all forms of printmaking, and I’m always learning new printmaking methods,” she said.
Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Bodman received her bachelor of fine arts degree in printmaking from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She also spent time studying etching in Florence, Italy, and looks forward to running printmaking workshops next year at Peters Valley School of Crafts in Layton, N.J. For the last 10 years she has also been teaching high school students about printmaking.
In the exhibit she includes work from 55 printmakers, new and established, far and wide, including Colescott Award-winning artists. Each has their own style and printmaking media.
“I hope this exhibition will educate the public, stir up conversations about printmaking, and hopefully create excitement about this amazing art medium of hand-pulled prints," said Bodman.
Opening reception
The exhibit will open with a reception from 3 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8, at the alliance gallery, located at 37 Main St. in Narrowsburg, N.Y. An artists’ talk will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 18 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the gallery.
“Pulling Prints” will be on view through March 14. The exhibition and related events are free and open to the public.
The activities of the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance are made possible in part by a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
For more information, visit delawarevalleyartsalliance.org or call 845-252-7576.
“I hope this exhibition will educate the public, stir up conversations about printmaking, and hopefully create excitement about this amazing art medium of hand-pulled prints." --Judith Bodman.