Editor's note: Milford Mayor Sean Strub shared the following account of last Sunday's Bells Across America in his hometown:
For Bells Across Pennsylvania this evening, I joined Father Van Bankston and other members of Good Shepherd Church at the corner of 5th and West Catharine Streets, listening to the church bells from Good Shepherd and other churches in Milford.
We also saw residents around Ann Street Park on their front porches, clapping and cheering. I broadcast the bell-ringing live on Facebook (which prompted my barber, Lysette Lemoncelli, to chime in and post— correctly — that I *really* need a haircut!)
We rang bells to honor first responders, healthcare workers, and employees of grocery stores, pharmacies and other life-sustaining businesses who have continue to go to work to maintain essential businesses and services.
When I see workers at the grocery or other retail stores, especially those who are older, I think about their families and friends who must worry about them interacting with the public all day long. I also think about those on social media who say they won’t wear masks or are arrogant or rude to those who do. I wonder how that makes these retail workers feel; I hope the support represented by the bells tonight will let them know that most people are deeply appreciative of their work and sacrifice and want to do what we can to protect them.
Bells Across Pennsylvania also gave us an opportunity to express solidarity with municipalities across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and demonstrate our collective resolve to prevail over Covid and work tirelessly to ensure that our businesses and communities will thrive once again.