Student authors published this year in teen magazine
WESTFALL -A number of Delaware Valley High School and Middle School students had their original writings published in Teen Amphibian magazine throughout the 2005-2006 school year. The magazine is a “Journal for Teens by Teens.” Richard Ross, the coordinator/youth editor of the magazine explained the significance of the magazine best when he said that through self-expression students “give rise to the notion that their experiences are not only personal, but universal.” The magazine, which comes out three times a year, allows students an outlet for their thoughts and feelings. The written word is a powerful tool that gives students a positive and productive forum to deal with the ever more complex society in which we live, he added. The following students were published in 2005-2006 issues of Teen Amphibian: Delaware Valley High School Zachary Hubbard Rachel Knuth Marah DeGraw Allissa Quinn Morgan Ruby Keller Jesse R. Mueller Alyssa Tomaskovic Richard Cheng Richard Mosu Katie Yuen Ashley Prosser Nico Ramirez Courtney Waleck Kari Dobrzynski Tricia Forgit Shawn Chen Justin Hubbard Josh Reyes Lizzy Lindner Nancy Shi Taylor Dooley Drisana Sophie Matthew Watkins Keri Bensley Karalee Morgan Tommy France Emily Dorko Colin Troup Kiana Ramirez Elizabeth Mincer Kurt Merrill Amanda Rachunok Tyler McCarthy Shelby Anderson Hannah Garrison Keirstyn Morales Gina Raniero Delaware Valley Middle School Mary DeSerano Kaleigh Burkert Jeff Benson Matt Wisniewski Yale Gropman Dingman/Delaware Middle School Brandon Dzirko Steven Baker Sarajo Miller Sam Phillips Dayna Richter Stephanie Damstra Ashla Lolk Cal Sherman