Township considering going down on the farm
MILFORD - If the Delaware Valley School District is not interested in the Santos Farm property west of U.S. Route 6/209, Milford Township could become involved, Kevin Stroyan said Monday. Stroyan, who chairs the township planning commission, told the supervisors Monday that it is “my understanding” that the district is not interested in the Santos farm buildings. “My concerns, on the whole are not negative. This can be a real positive for the township, but we need to worry about what we may own,” he said. Stroyan noted that Dingman is developing recreational facilities, Delaware is considering purchase of recreational land and Matamoras has joint (Airport Park) recreational facilities with the school district. “We need to answer the question, Are we going to be doing a double effort?’ How is our investment going to improve what Matamoras already has? We need these questions answered,” he said. Noting that grant money is available to run simulated working farms, Stroyan said, “It’s a great opportunity, but I don’t want to expend a cent that isn’t going to be of benefit to the community.” The supervisors directed a letter to county planner Sally Corrigan, who is facilitating a “focus group” considering Santos property issues, requesting copies of all group materials They also appointed Supervisor Don Quick to act as the township’s lead person.