A community thank you
To the Editor: On behalf of the Board of Directors, the volunteers and the staff of Survivors’ Resources, Inc. of Pike County, we wish to say a “heartfelt thank you.” You, the community, have helped us make it happen. We could not keep the doors open and offer free, sometimes lifesaving services, to those women, children and men who come to us for help. Everytime you bought geraniums, you helped us. Everytime you went on a house tour or bought a chance on the “Day of Design” you helped us.Everytime you drop your change in the container in the state liquor store during the holiday season, you help. You helped when you donated prizes for our silent auctions or refreshments for our trainings.When you dropped off phone cards and old cell phones for our clients, you saved a day.When you checked our “Wish List” and collected donations of paper products for our everyday needs, you helped us.When you set up your sound system so that speakers could be heard at our vigil and then came and took it down the same evening, you helped us.When you offered your church for a training of the Pike County Clergy or your restaurant for a training of law enforcement, you helped us. When you publish what we send you, you help us to educate and raise public awareness to the crimes of domestic violence and sexual abuse. “We thank you.” Survivors’ Resources, Inc., a not-for-profit-organization, is dedicated to restoring dignity to victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Survivors’ Resources, Inc. welcomes your interest, support and new volunteers. For more information, call Peggy at 570 296-2827. In grateful appreciation, Elizabeth Cotton, Executive Director, Survivors’ Resources, Inc.