Learn how Lincoln’s assassination affected the lives of three women

Milford. Catch two chances to see “Thinking Inside the Box,” a program written by Pike County Historical Society Director Lori Strelecki.

| 21 Mar 2025 | 08:10

On Saturday, April 5 at 4 p.m. a performance of “Thinking Inside the Box” will take place at the Columns Museum Foundation Room. The play tells the story of the night President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated through the eyes of the three women who were in the Presidential Box that fateful night. Patricia Durante will reprise her roles as Laura Keene, Mary Todd Lincoln, and Clara Harris in a short historical play that brings these ladies to life.

This program was written by Pike County Historical Society Director Lori Strelecki. According to Strelecki, the play evolved out of a short play written about Mrs. Lincoln titled “Mary Todd Lincoln: A Woman on the Edge.” Strelecki added the scripts for the two other ladies in the box that night: Laura Keene, the star of the play, and Clara Harris, a socialite and guest of the Lincolns.

This special performance at the Foundation Room will be followed by wine and cheese on the main floor of the museum, where folks can also view the blood-stained Lincoln Flad. The cost is $20 per person and includes the play, museum admission, and teh wine and cheese reception. To reserver your spot, call 570-296-8126 or email pikemuse@ptd.net.

Then on Sunday, April 6 the Dingmans Ferry-Delaware Township Historical Society will present the play at the Delaware Township Municipal Building (116 Wilson Hill Road, Dingmans Ferry) at 2 p.m. (doors open at 1:30 p.m.). Admission is free, though donations will be accepted.

The free museum at Akenac Park on Route 739 will also be open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April 12 and 27, May 10 and 25, and June 14 and 29, and typically the second Saturday and fourth Sunday of each month. For questions, email dfhistorical1735@gmail.com or visit dingmansferryhistoricalsociety.org.