One-room schoolhouse to open, offering a glimpse of education in the 19th century
Vernon. The Vernon Township Historical Society will open the historic schoolhouse for tours on Oct. 11, Sussex County History Day.

In celebration of Sussex County History Day, the Vernon Township Historical Society will open the historic one-room schoolhouse on Price’s Switch Road for free tours from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 10.
The one-room Price’s Switch Schoolhouse was built in 1840. The school was originally located on Route 94, a quarter mile north of Price’s Switch Road. In 1883, the schoolhouse was moved to Price’s Switch Road.
The schoolhouse was closed on June 20, 1958, when Walnut Ridge School was built. It was the last one-room school to operate in Vernon Township. Th building and the furnishings, complete with large pot belly coal stove, remain intact as a living time capsule, just as it was when it closed in 1958. Today it is maintained by the Vernon Township Historical Society. The society opens the schoolhouse each year for Sussex County History Day.
The one-room schoolhouse is part of the Society’s education program, offering a glimpse of the school life of yesteryear. For more information, call 973-764-6545.
Funding for the historical society’s programs and events has been made available in part by the New Jersey Historical Commission through the County Historical Partnership Program, as administered by the Sussex County Art and Heritage Council.