Heart & Soul dinner honors first-responders
ANDOVER TWP. The event raised $68,000 for Newton Medical Center’s automated external defibrillator program.

Local first-responders were honored at the ninth annual Heart & Soul fundraiser Feb. 15 at Perona Farms.
Members of local emergency squads were invited to the dinner, which raised $68,000 for Newton Medical Center’s automated external defibrillator (AED) program.
“As an outreach to the community, the Newton Medical Center Foundation’s AED program provides AEDs at a discounted price along with free training included for up to 12 individuals,” said Megan Sandow, chief development officer for the foundation. “These are offered to any qualified organization within Sussex County, northern Warren County and Pike County, Pa.”
Since the program’s inception in 2001, the foundation has distributed more than 800 AEDs and has trained more than 6,000 people how to operate the device.
“The total lives saved because of this program is 70,” Sandow said. “There were 180 people at this year’s event and we raised a great amount of money to perpetuate the program.”
Kevin Danielson presented the Scott Danielson Heart of Saving Lives Award this year. The award is named for his brother.
The recipient was Cody Cooper of Hampton, who performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on his mother, Heidi, saving her life.
The Heart & Soul event has been held annually since 2014 in February, which is American Heart Month.
As an outreach to the community, the Newton Medical Center Foundation’s AED program provides AEDs at a discounted price along with free training included for up to 12 individuals.” -Megan Sandow, chief development officer for the foundation