Much tabled at Milford supervisors meeting
Milford. Milford Township supervisors tabled two agenda items, including an agreement related to an Econo-Pak expansion at their Dec. 5 meeting.

The Econo-Pak developers’ agreement was tabled until there is follow-up from Econo-Pak, according to Supervisor Rachel Hendricks. The agreement is in relation to building of a new expansion to the packing company’s current building that was proposed last year.
Another tabled item was the amendment to the zoning ordinance 407.2, as the solicitor has not had time to review it. The zoning ordinance involves operations and storage for commercial, manufacturing, and non-residential uses. The planning commission recommended amendments to this section to the zoning ordinance to the town supervisors for approval and it will be voted on after the solicitor has time to review it before the next meeting.
The township paid an advertising cost split bill for $175 for the Act 537 hearing for the sewage plan for eastern Pike County. During the meeting of November 21, this decision was tabled until December 5. The township received an invoice from Matamoras Borough for the $175 dollars for the split bill.
The township sent a letter to the other three municipalities and two authorities stating that “no future shared expenditures shall be paid on behalf of the township without prior and advanced written authorization,” according to Hendricks.
The tabled items will be further discussed at the next meeting on December 19, 2022.