TextMyGov service launched by Pike County Elections Office
Milford. The new TextMyGov service provides election information via text and will be expanded to other kinds of government information.

The Pike County Elections Office has launched its TextMyGov service, a new function featured on the County website (www.pikepa.org), which allows constituents to skip a phone call and connect with the Election’s Office 24/7 by using their mobile phone’s text messaging service. Message and data rates may apply.
By using keywords, the TextMyGov function will direct users to the election-related information they seek. Residents of Pike County can use this function to access information including how to apply for absentee/mail-in ballots, voter deadlines, polling locations, and more, all by texting Pike County’s TextMyGov phone number, (570) 409-5770.
Pike County Board of Elections Director Nadeen Manzoni said, “I’m excited to launch TextMyGov to the residents of Pike County. I think our voters will find this service easy to use. It eliminates the need to search and navigate through websites by providing the links to exactly what the voter is looking for. It will also help voters get the election information they need when they need it, 24/7.”
Manzoni will be conducting a TextMyGov demonstration at the September 21, 2022, Commissioners Meeting at 11:00 a.m. in the Pike County Administration Building, 506 Broad Street, in Milford, PA 18337. Press and the public are welcome to attend. The Commissioners Meetings are also live-streamed on the County’s YouTube channel, PikeCountyPA.
In the coming months, the County plans to expand its TextMyGov service to include information regarding other departments.