County to host free Naloxone training courses for the public
Goshen. The dates and locations for these trainings are still in the works, but the county will also provide training to anyone interested in hosting a course.

To help mitigate the continued increase of opioid-related fatalities in the region, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office and the County Department of Mental Health are planning a series of public education classes on overdose recognition and how to administer Naloxone, an overdose reversal medication.
These courses will be held at various EMS and firehouses throughout Orange County. Registered attendees will receive instruction on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose and how to administer Naloxone once an overdose has been identified. Certified trainers from the Orange County Department of Mental Health and Orange County Sheriff’s Office will provide all instruction and materials for the course at no cost to any member of the public that attends.
Every trainee who attends will receive an issuance of Naloxone from the Orange County Department of Mental Health to take home. The course will be approximately one hour.
Sheriff Arteta said, “It is heartbreaking that we are seeing as many lives taken from us as we are from drug overdoses. We need to take an approach as a community together. Public education and emergency preparedness starts with you. We appreciate our local fire and EMS agencies stepping in to host these courses right in your own community. Accidental overdose can happen anywhere at any time to anyone. Are you ready to step in and hopefully save someone’s life?”
Course dates, locations, and times will be announced on the county’s social media pages as they become available: on Facebook at Orange County Sheriff’s Office, New York, and on Instagram at @ocso_ny.
Spots are limited, so the county urges anyone interested to sign up as soon as possible.
The first course is being offered on December 5 at the Lenape Volunteer Ambulance Corp. (129 Route 284, Unionville) at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending a course, sign up using the following link:
If you are interested in hosting a course, email Senior Investigator Samantha Pascal at with the name of your facility/location, point of contact information, potential class size, and three dates and times your facility will be available to host a free overdose recognition and Naloxone administration class.