High school hosts Peruvian teacher

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:47

    WESTFALL - The Delaware Valley High School was recently visited by Professor Heber Ivan Saavedra Espejo, English professor at the University San Pedro du Chinpote, Peru. Professor Espejo is a member of the Rotary International and was involved in a group study exchange with other international professionals. Each year the Rotary International sponsors a cultural exchange with other countries. Professor Espejo visited the high school and attended three Spanish III classes. He talked to the students about his country and his life and communicated with them in Spanish about their lives in America. Espejo said he was very impressed by the conduct and knowledge of the students and by the hospitality of the three foreign language teachers he met, Mr. Gary Cotroneo, Mrs. Michele Rojas and Miss Raycharlyn Correa. The teachers were equally impressed and hoped to have Professor Espejo return in the future.