When asked why she did what she did, Jane Goodall once observed:
“What you do makes a difference. You have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
This spirit inspired the members of Milford Unity in the Community to inaugurate the Youth Allies Program.
This initiative invites juniors and seniors in area high schools to create messaging which celebrates what we share in common rather than what divides us.
Our goal for the project is to foster the sharing of ideas in the spirit of open and respectful conversation and a desire for mutual understanding.
Students create projects addressing what they think unity means; why unity is important in a community; and how they would foster unity among diverse groups in our community.
A financial award of $500 for first place overall and $250 for runner up in each category would be available for the most creative project which emphasizes our mission, vision and principles.
Categories include:
Social Media Campaign (TikTok campaign, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.);
Performance Art (multimedia presentation, Town Hall, cheerleading, short play, etc.);
Visual Art (painting, poster, collage, postcard campaign, photo collage);
Literary (poem, essay, article for publication).
To request an application, email MilfordUnityinCommunity@gmail.com.
Entries are due by May 5.
A Unity Fair is scheduled for Saturday, May 28, where entries will be displayed and winners announced.
Each project will be judged by members of the community with expertise in the specific project category and representatives from Unity in the Community.
Unity in the community is an organization of individuals with varying backgrounds and beliefs whose goal is to cultivate mutual understanding and respect for all members of our community.
More information is available on their Facebook page, www.Facebook.com/MilfordUnity.
Linda Pinto on behalf of
Milford Unity in the Community