Dangerous trees a worry in Dingman
By Anya Tikka
DINGMAN TOWNSHIP — The dangers of trees too close to the township roads — and in some cases overhanging, or rotted — was a major concern at the July 7 Dingman supervisors meeting.
Roadmaster Jim Snyder said he’s tried to contact the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to request the removal of trees known to be hazardous, but so far there’s been no reply.
Supervisors' chair Tom Mincer said there are some dangerous trees along Log Tavern Road and on Route 739. Snyder said Sunrise Lake also has dangerous trees overhanging roads.
“Unless they come down, they’re going to cause a big problem,” Snyder said.
Supervisor Dennis Brink told Snyder he's aware of the danger.
“Get the work done,” he said.
Mincer said that if PennDOT does not respond to Snyder, the supervisors need to get there and say, “Hey we have a problem.”
Brink said there are lots of dangerous trees next to the roads coming out of Milford, too.
“Tell the Road Task Force that they need to fix it up!” he said.
The trees are on both sides of the road, and by the stream, he said.
“Something’s going to fly out and injure someone if it’s not fixed," said Brink. "Bring it to PennDOT’s attention, and it will help the person who will sue them when something happens."
Several roads that need trees to come down are near Hemlock Farms as well, Snyder added.
“It’s an important issue," said Brink. "It’s come up three times already.”
Recently, trees have fallen on motorists in the area, in some cases causing death. According to reports in an earlier issue of the Courier, on July 1 Manual L. Loureiro of Bushkill was fatally injured on Route 209 near mile marker 1, just south of the Bushkill Meeting Center.
In other business, the Supervisors quizzed Snyder about the request for additional materials. They wanted to know if this was necessary, and if it would be the end of the requests. They decided to debate the issue in a closed meeting.
Related stories:"Motorist killed by falling tree": http://bit.ly/1ToBGm5
"Perilous pine like a 'drunk driver' is taken down": http://bit.ly/1CidBch