Delaware Valley welcomes new teachers to the district

Milford. The district recently shared some details about these eager new teachers.

| 05 Sep 2024 | 07:20

The Delaware Valley School District recently highlighted several of its new teachers that will be starting this school year at the high school, middle school, and elementary school. The school district shared a bit about each new teacher mentioned:

Shyanna Williams will be teaching technology education at the middle school and high school. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Millersville University. When asked why she was excited about teaching at DV, she said, “To meeting new people, teach students new things, and work at a great district!”

Gwen Boonyam will be teaching math at the middle school. She earned her degree from East Stroudsburg University and graduated from DV in 2019. She said it is a privilege to be back as a teacher. “This is my first teaching role, and there is no other district I’d rather start my career in.”

Amanda Ortiz will be teaching English at the middle school. She received her degree from Dominican University. Regarding teaching at the district, she said, “I am excited to teach at DV because I just moved to PA and can’t wait to be involved in my community!”

Amber Collins will be working in the Dingman-Delaware Primary School library. She holds degrees from DeSales University and Longwood University. When asked why she was excited to join the district, she said, “I am excited to continue my teaching career at DV and share my love of reading with all students at DDPS. I can’t wait to see the joy on their faces when they find a book they fall in love with!”

Ilyssa Polirer will be teaching special education at Dingman-Delaware Primary School. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Adelphi University and a master’s in education from Molloy College. She said she was excited for the “new experience in a new school and new state.”

Kassie Ryder will be teaching first grade at Dingman-Delaware Primary School. She holds a degree in early childhood education from East Stroudsburg University. On teaching at DV, she said, “I am excited [to] start my career at DV while sharing all new ideas and learning more from the staff. I can’t wait to join such an amazing team and implement all I know to help all my students grow at such a supportive school.”