Dennis Ohl celebrates 10 years at Price Chopper

| 20 Apr 2016 | 12:23

— Dennis Ohl of Milford is celebrating his 10th year working in the deli department at the Matamoras Price Chopper. And he's just as enthusiastic as he was on his first day, back in 2005.
This story would be quite ordinary if it weren’t for the challenges Dennis meets head-on every day. The 47-year-old was born with developmental disabilities and multiple physical challenges. He is legally blind, partially deaf, and has a speech impediment. Despite these significant challenges, it would be hard to find a more loyal, dedicated and competent employee.
His job coach, Donna Ciancitto, said Dennis is a joy to be around, and all the customers agree with this. He is loved and respected by his co-workers.
"It’s a pleasure to work with him," said co-worker Corinna Foster.
Price Chopper’s manager, Paul Tinker, presented Dennis with his 10-Year Recognition Pin. He said Dennis is a valuable member of the store.
"We are very pleased to have Dennis as our employee," Tinker said. "He is greatly missed on the days he is not working."
Dennis is proud to be a Price Chopper employee and hopes to remain working there for many years to come.

The importance of community
The Office of Developmental Disabilities of Pennsylvania produced a video-documentary about Dennis’s Journey and life, told through the eyes of his mother Mary Ohl.
Mary has always been a true fan and staunch advocate for her son. She knows that for Dennis to have a life like everyone else, he has to be part of his community, by living and working here.
The people in Dennis’s life have always focused on his abilities instead of his disabilities and have been surprised of what he can impart to them.
New apartment, more independence
It has been quite an exciting year for Dennis. He recently began living in his own home with support staff, and he's thriving. He enjoys his increased independence and the responsibility and pride of living in his own home.
Dennis is also a member of the Knights of Columbus Council #13935 of Milford and Matamoras and enjoys the friendships he finds there. In addition to their other civic work, the Knights donate money to the Pike County Developmental Center, which Dennis attended before working at Price Chopper.
Values into Action (VIA) offers services and support for people with disabilities, their families, and communities.
"This is where everyone belongs, in their own communities, to live, work and be productive and valued members," said Marion Frattarola-Saulino, founder and executive director of VIA.
For information about Values into Action visit, call 610-565-5177, or email