Dingman passes budget after reducing expenses

| 20 Dec 2012 | 04:03

By Jerry Goldberg

— Some small changes were made to the proposed 2013 Dingman Township budget at the final supervisors' meeting of the year, held Dec. 18.

Income was decreased $2,000, and expenses were also decreased by $18,000. Supervisors passed the budget.

Supervisors' Chair Tom Mincer said the changes would allow the township to increase the balance to be brought forward for the start of the following year from $213 to $229, an increase of $16,000.

This was accomplished by reducing some expenses, the largest being the elimination of $15,000 that was to be given to Pike Advanced Life Support. This was a clerical error. Pike ALS is now covering areas of Wayne County, and Atlantic Ambulance has taken over covering Dingman, Milford, and other nearby areas.

Atlantic Ambulance had three representatives at the meeting. Mike Scovil was the spokesperson and is the coordinator for their Air Medi-Vac Program. Also present was Mike Pizzano, master of administrative science emergency management manager for Atlantic, and EMT coordinator Starr Grolimund.

Atlantic Ambulance is a not-for-profit corporation and is part of Atlantic Health Systems, which have recently merged with Newton Health Systems. They operate in this area out of Milford Senior Care. This facility, just approved on Dec. 17, is about one quarter of a mile from the entrance to Hemlock Farms on state Route 739, toward I-84. According to Pizzano, each health department-approved facility can operate in a 20-mile radius of its location.

Atlantic provides an identical service to what Pike ALS provided. They do not steer any patient to a particular hospital facility but rather take a patient to the closest medical facility best suited to handle the particular trauma they are dealing with. Pizzano said they operate on their own and do not want the money that the township had been giving to Pike ALS and would rather see the money go to the local fire department.

To arrange for medical ground or air transport call Atlantic Ambulance at 1-866-252-7980.

In other business

Organizational meeting: On Jan. 7, supervisors will hold their organizational meeting to officially name officers for the township supervisors for 2013. There will also be a change in the supervisors' regularly scheduled meetings in January. The re-scheduled dates will be the Jan. 8 and 22 at 7:30 p.m.

New rescue truck: Dingman Township Fire Chief Bill Mikulak said last month was very busy for the fire department, which is is negotiating the purchase of a new “rescue pumper” at a cost of at least $550,000 to replace their current 30-year-old rescue truck and 10-year-old pumper truck. “This will help us by allowing one unit to go to an emergency and do the job of two units,” said Mikulak. "It will be less manpower needed, less gasoline usage, and we will be selling off the old units to help reduce the cost of the new unit."

Successful Santa breakfast: Mikulak also reported on a fun event hosted by the department. “At our Sunday, Dec. 16, 'Breakfast with Santa' we sold out of almost everything," he reported. "We went through 190 dozen eggs and over 100 pounds of bacon with over 300 paid adults plus children."

New park approved as water supply: Township Sewage Enforcement Officer Chris Wood reported the new township park on Log Tavern Road passed inspection and was approved as a public water supply. It will require inspection at least four times a year to remain in compliance with regulations.