DV’s ‘Del.Aware’ staff wins big at journalism conference

Milford. The student journalists earned multiple second- and first-place wins.

| 03 May 2024 | 03:16

The student journalists at Delaware Valley High School attended the 24th annual Tom Bigler Journalism conference at Wilkes University on Friday, April 26, where the Del.Aware newspaper staff won various awards. Senior Michael Helt won second place for news writing, junior Emma Ciancio won first place for opinion writing, senior Kaylee Kurcon won first place for page layout/design, and senior Francesca Antonecchia won second place for sports photography.

Seventeen DVHS student journalists and adviser Leslie Lordi attended the conference. The keynote speakers were Aimee Dilger and Kelly Dessoye, Emmy-award winning journalists and founders of Focus Journalism. There were a variety of other speakers who participated in order to share their experiences with the journalism students in break-out sessions in different locations on campus.