DVE-News/TV kicks off 33rd season
Matamoras. Dirt Magazine’s Becca Tucker spoke to the student reporters about journalism.
| 23 Nov 2024 | 08:10

LR Back Row: Deb Arnita, Evoni Krasulski, “Stierle,” Logan Fischer, Logan Cuttler, Rachel Pflanz, Becca Tucker, Saarah Garrity, “Stierle,” and Diana Kudrich. L-R Middle Row: Mackenzie Flood, Richie Mai, Killian Nearing, Bryce Holtzer, Maverick Poveda, Hunter Conklin, Liam Olsommer, “Aubrey,” “Giuliano,” Lihanna Rewoldt, Morgan Babb, Lynnae Kresse, and Kelsie Johnson. L-R Front Row: Colt Allen, Russell Fowler, Sofia Bocaletti, Emma Hill, Mackenzie McAdam, and Aria Gonzalez. Not pictured: Peg Snure. (

Straus News’ Becca Tucker answers the student’s questions. (
The DVE-News/TV journalism program held its annual kick off meeting to officially begin its 33rd season. Becca Tucker, deputy publisher and editor of Dirt Magazine for Straus News, was invited to speak with the fifth-grade reporters regarding journalism and answered their questions.