DVE-News/TV reporters join the Deerpark 9/11 ceremony

Matamoras. The ceremony took place Sept. 11.

| 25 Sep 2024 | 03:06

DVE-News/TV fifth-grade reporters were invited to attend and participate in the Deerpark 9/11 memorial ceremony, September 11. The reporters hung up ribbons on the Memorial tree to honor those who were lost in the 9/11 attacks.

Below is the news article written by DVE-News/TV reporters Evoni Krasulski, Richie Mai, Avery Stewart, Rachael Pflanz, Bryce Holtzer, Mackenzie McAdam, Killian Nearing, and Aria Gonzalez:

First, they interviewed Mr. Tom Faggione, Orange County Legislator-13th District. He remarked how the entire community came together regardless of their beliefs to donate cases of water and shirts to those in need in NYC. He remembered not being able to contact his family and the confusion that set in. He believes this can happen again. It was a day that changed our lives forever. He believes this can happen again because there are a lot of mean people in this world. When asked what an important thing is to remember for today’s kids is that the people who went into the Trade Center were brave and did not fear. They were really awesome.

Second, reporters interviewed Honorable Judge Michael J. Worden. He was vacationing in Denmark at the time and remembered how hard it was to get information. He couldn’t contact family and was worried about being able to return to the United States. He was scared for his family. He did recall how other cities in the country helped in NYC. When asked he said a couple people did survive the building collapses. The most health issues that arose from being in NYC at that time and are still occurring today is cancer from the collapsed debris and fires. He said it’s important to keep those lost in 9/11 in our hearts. He believes this can absolutely happen again, but it may not be flying airplanes.

Third, Firefighter Lieutenant Joseph Rennish was interviewed. He recalls how his father-in-law called him over to watch the TV with him. That day reminds him to be more aware and that it could happen at any time, anywhere. When asked how any firefighter or police man could go into those buildings, he explained that he had also been a trainer of fire fighters and they were taught to go in fires as it was their job. When asked he told the reporters that the fires got to about 2,000 degrees. A way to never forget the people is to pray for the families and the victims. The American flag represents freedom and our country.