Environmental organizations to hold listening event
Milford. This community conversation about local environmental concerns will take place Feb. 24.

The public is invited to a Pike County “Community Conversation” on the environment on Saturday, February 24, from 3 to 5 p.m., an event co-sponsored by the Conservation Voters of PA, SEEDS, PennFuture, and Delaware Valley Action.
The organizations will listen to the environmental concerns of Pike County residents and note what they wish to see happen in their neighborhoods in the coming year and beyond.
The Community Conversation will be held at the DVA! Community Engagement Center at 315 Broad Street in Milford. Those wishing to attend can sign up here: tinyurl.com/yehsnkdu.
According to the organizers, this free “Community Conversation” is meant to be an open discussion among community members, providing an opportunity for residents to get to know other advocates here in Pike County. The organizations will also discuss the work of each sponsoring organization, what environmental issues need to be addressed, and what steps can be taken here in the Poconos toward environmental conservation and protection from severe weather events caused by climate change.
A Zoom option will be available for those unable to attend in person. Refreshments will also be provided. For more information, email DelawareValleyAction@gmail.com or visit DelawareValleyAction.org.