Future Business Leaders from Dingman-Delaware Middle School compete

DINGMANS FERRY — Fifty-two Dingman-Delaware Middle School (DDMS) students competed in 15 different business and technology events in a competition held Feb. 23.
The results will be announced at the End of the Year Awards Ceremony at DDMS.
Computer literacy students volunteered to participate and become members of the Pennsylvania Future Business Leaders of America Club (FBLA), the largest business career student organization in the world. The FBLA-middle level has nearly 15,000 student members.
Listed below are the DDMS Future Business Leaders of America:
Gregory Aiello
Kaelyn Balbirer
Kelsey Barlotta
Sydney Bolles
Kayleigh Boone
Skyler Bower
Gavin Buckley
Race Chandler
Lauren Conklin
Victoria Corcoran
Nathan Crow
Rebecca Curtain
Marisa Dambach
Mirabella Demmo
Brianna Dodsworth
Connor Duesel
Tiffany Francois
Seth Garrera
Meg Gerrera
Ameliana Heaton
Brenna Hedden
Perry Langbein
Ava Lemoncelli
Nora Loiacono
Wyatt Magill
Madeline Mallon
Corey May
Meadow Mead
Marquies Miller
Breanna Moran
Zachary Morgan
Cassidy Mullamphy
Vincent Natiello
Noah Newton
Kaitlyn O'Connell
Sophia Perrin
Andre Phillips
Joey Pisano
Matthew Revere
Shay Rodriguez
Anna Romano
Jillian Senior
Maxim Shevtsov
Andrea Smith
Seth Williams
Lily Williams
Nicholas Yanuzzelli
Sawyer Yoncak