Gary Williams reappointed as chair at first 2025 meeting
Milford. The Board also appointed Donna Tegan as the assistant secretary/treasurer.

Item one on the agenda for the January 6 Milford Township Board of Supervisors meeting was reorganization. Many Township board appointments were made, including the reappointment of Gary Williams as chair, and Rachel Hendricks as vice chair. Robert Di Lorenzo rounds out the board and was reappointed as the sewage enforcement officer. Relative newcomer Donna Tegan, who was introduced at the December 2 supervisors meeting, was appointed as the assistant secretary/treasurer for the Township.
The position of zoning officer remains open at this time with Sean Bolles having been appointed in the interim. Bolles, who resigned as zoning officer, will continue to assist the Township as needed but will not keep regular office hours. It was reported that there has been only one applicant to become the new zoning officer.
Spongy moths
As previously reported and noted at the meeting, Pike County has received a $400,000 grant from the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to make spraying for spongy moths, formerly known as gypsy moths, more affordable. In the caterpillar stage the spongy moths eat the leaves of trees, mostly oaks, and are highly destructive. According to Pike County, the grant funds will be used “to administer a county-wide spongy moth cost-share program open to those conducting aerial application of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a microbiome naturally found in soil.” To qualify for assistance from the cost-share program there is a minimum area requirement of 25 acres, which can be owned by a single party, or neighbors may join together to reach the minimum acreage. If approved, reimbursement will be 25% of the cost of the spraying, up to a maximum of $10,000 for specified groups. Visit the Pike County website for complete details and application information. It has been requested that the information also be posted to the Township website.
Cookie time nears
It began in 1917 and continues today – Girl Scout cookie sales! Faith Stead and her Girl Scout troop will once again have their cookie drive in the parking lot of the Milford Township Building. The dates are March 1, 8, 15 and 23.
Other business
The Supervisors are considering obtaining fidelity and crime insurance to cover employee theft not already covered by other insurance or bonds. The quote offered by HA Thomson Co. was $850 for one year or $2,400 for three years.