Grant funding paves the way for pedestrian safety projects
Milford. The Borough’s second St. Patrick’s Day Parade went off without a hitch.

The second annual Milford St. Patrick’s Day Parade was met with success again this year, with an estimated crowd size of between 5,000 and 6,000. Parade floats built by local businesses were heralded down Broad Street followed by fire trucks, bagpipers, police, and more to the delights of many. Discussions for next year’s parade are already underway by the Milford Borough Council.
Roadway safety
At its March 17 meeting, the Council discussed a new ARLE (automotive red light enforcement) grant that would help fund the update of crosswalks along Harford and Broad streets. A previous ARLE grant was given to the borough for two new crosswalk signals — one near the Waterwheel Café and the other in front of Log Tavern Brewing. The ARLE grant was for just over $14,000, and the project will cost upwards of $18,000.
An amendment was passed to change Vehicle and Traffic Ordinance 495 to include Stop signs and No Exit signs around the borough, including at the intersections of Blackberry Alley and Ann Street, Ann Street and Catharine Street, and more.
The Council approved several upcoming events at the meeting, including La Posada’s Cinco De Mayo set for May 3. The Toast of Milford, the Milford Music Festival, the Milford Jazz Festival, the strawberry festival and vendor fair, and the Young Entrepreneur Fair were also approved.
Other business
The planning commission has proposed updates to certain town ordinances, such as the burning of leaves and garbage being prohibited within the borough, and adding skill games to the gambling statues. The changes are available for review at the borough office and will be subject to a hearing.
Masonry work from LSA Grant was approved for the borough office exterior. The refacing will be at no cost to borough residents. The borough will apply for grants for the next phase of the Ann Street Park project. The DCNR grant will be announced in the fall; and, if approved, the second phase will be able to continue. The Council also approved the purchase of a computer system for the new Milford Police Department truck.