GTHA partners with DVHS
Milford. The partnership aims to educate the student body on Grey Towers’ offerings and volunteer opportunities.

Grey Towers Heritage Association is now partnering with Delaware Valley High School to benefit students, parents, teachers and GTHA.
“We’re proud and privileged to announce that Grey Towers Heritage Association is now working closely in collaboration with Delaware Valley High School to create opportunities for students to develop their talents, volunteer in community organizations, and gain credits for community work,” stated Eileen Smith, president of GTHA.
Students will have opportunities to apply their skills in social media and other areas by partnering with GTHA to publicize and participate in GTHA events. “We want to spread the word, especially to students and their parents, that Grey Towers isn’t just a beautiful castle on a hill, but a place that invites all community members to take advantage of the natural beauty of the mansion grounds,” explained Emma Ciancio, editor-in-chief of DVHS’s Del.Aware school paper. “Through our print and online versions of the school paper, the Del.Aware team will be helping Grey Towers Heritage attract teens and their families to hike year-round and engage in community events featuring art, music, and history in a fun, natural environment spanning 102 acres.”
“We’re proud of our students for accepting the invitation to team with GTHA,” added DVHS Principal Louis DeLauro. “Engaging in these activities provides new opportunities for our students to participate in community life and in some cases, earn credits for doing so. This also shows well on resumes and applications for colleges and jobs.”
For more information about Grey Towers Heritage Association and student volunteer opportunities, students and parents may visit or speak to Emma Ciancio at the school.