Kelly Gaughan named top woman in business

MILFORD — Pike County Attorney Kelly Gaughan is being honored as one of the 2016 Top 25 Women in Business in Northeast Pennsylvania.
The honorees are selected by the Northeastern Pennsylvania chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners, in partnership with The Northeast Pennsylvania Business Journal. The Top 25 for 2016 will be honored at a lunch in June in Scranton.
Gaughan, a New Jersey native and graduate of Seton Hall School of Law, began practicing law in Pike County 17 years ago and has risen to vice-president of her law firm. She says she was drawn to Pike’s small town charm.
“I knew that being in a small town meant that I would get to know the judges, local law enforcement, and the people living in our community which was important to me,” she said. “In my practice, I make it a point to get to know my clients, make them feel comfortable and earn their confidence."
She says that one of the best parts of her job is getting to help people through some of the best and worst times of their lives; receiving chances to celebrate adoptions, purchase new homes, and comfort and guide clients as they go through separation and divorce or encounter the criminal court system.
As the mother of two children, ages 10 and 14, Gaughan said she makes it a point to carve out family time and to get involved in her children’s activities.
“As a member of the community, I feel it imperative to support valuable community organizations, all of which are very important to me," she said.
She is the vice-president of the United Way of Pike County, on the board of directors of the Pike County Center for Developmental Disabilities and is on the board of directors of Vetstock. She is the secretary of the local bar association, and belongs to the Milford-Matamoras Rotary Club, the American Legion Auxillary, Pike County United Women and St. Patrick’s Church.
She notes that she would not be able to juggle all that she does without her supportive husband, Delaware Valley School Resource Officer Martin Gaughan.