Leap Year baby born at Wayne Memorial Hospital
Milford. Ainsley Adames was born to Erika and Matthew Adames, of Milford.

Little Ainsley Adames doesn’t know it yet, but she is special — a “leapling.” That’s the name given to babies born on February 29, a day that comes around only once every four years. The odds of being born on February 29 are one in 1,461!
Ainsley was born at Wayne Memorial Hospital in Honesdale to Erika and Matthew Adames, of Milford, at 8:07 a.m., weighing in at 6 lbs., 13 oz. and stretching 19 inches long. The delivery was facilitated by certified nurse midwife Pat Konzman and midwifery intern Natasha Freethy, RN.
Mom Erika said Ainsley was actually expected this week, but the baby had her own agenda! The couple says they will celebrate Ainsley’s birthday on March 1st during the “off” years.
Leap Year refers to the earth’s revolution around the sun, which takes 365 and a quarter day to complete each year. Those quarters add up to a whole day every four years. Ainsley joins big brothers Mack, 4, and Clayton, 2, at home.