Matamoras may see change in trash collection
Matamoras. The Council is weighing whether the township should take over duties.

A special meeting of the Matamoras Planning Commission was held December 5 to discuss a possible change to how solid waste is collected. According to the Matamoras Borough Council meeting minutes, the idea to move garbage pickup duties from the borough to the township was brought up at the July 9 Borough Council meeting. Council Vice President Mark Madsen suggested a change to the current system as a way to save money.
The Council suggested that the savings associated with such a change would help offset rising expenses, like the workers compensation insurance premium. A task force of Madsen, Councilman Harry Prey, and Planning Committee Chairman Eddie Addison was charged with researching the feasibility of the change.
The task force’s findings on the trash issue have been presented to the Borough Council for review. If accepted, the solid waste collection discussion will be on the agenda for the December 10 council meeting. Area residents present at the Planning Commission meeting suggested that the future meetings be readily available online to give as many members of the community as possible access to the information as the solid waste collection discussion continues.