Milford Covid Task Force provides vaccination updates
Milford. “There’s been a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding concerning vaccination in the region,” said Mayor Sean Strub, “so I hope this resource can help address that confusion (and frustration).”

The Milford Covid Task Force has created a Google doc at with information on vaccination in Pike and nearby counties.
“I will continue to update it daily,” said Milford Mayor Sean Strub on Tuesday, when announcing the new resource. “There’s been a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding concerning vaccination in the region, so I hope this resource can help address that confusion (and frustration).
“Yesterday, President Biden increased the daily vaccination goal from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000. The feds are trying to understand why they show a far larger number of vaccine doses shipped to the states than the states report having received.
“Last Saturday’s vaccination center setup by the county at Delaware Valley High School was a trial run — the first such mass vaccination center in the state — and it went well and should be replicated soon. Unfortunately it was limited only by the number of doses the county was able to get for it.”
Some points to keep in mind:
● Some sites will accept appointments for a few hours, then suspend for a few hours or a few days until they have more vaccine available.
● While statewide eligibility is in the 1A category (anyone over 65 years of age, healthcare workers, first responders and certain others with immune suppression or specific health conditions), eligibility criteria can vary by specific vaccination site.
● Signing up online or by telephone can involve a wait time, so be patient.
● Do not contact the Pike County Area Agency on Aging. They are not keeping a list for vaccination appointments.
● To get notified by Pike County when the county sets up another vaccine clinic, go to and sign up for their Covid information list, or send an email to to join the Milford Covid Volunteer Task Force listserve, where we will provide information on vaccination.
● Send updates, corrections or details about any experience trying to get vaccinated that you would like to share to