Mohawk House gets attention for its innovative pop-up market
Sparta. Mohawk House owner Steve Scro partners with suppliers to feed the community while restaurants like his are closed.

Straus News, which publishes the Sparta Independent, Township Journal, Advertiser News North, Advertiser News South, and The West Milford Messenger, recently ran a story about a new open air market at the Mohawk House. The restaurant was soon attracting more attention for its innovative idea.
"Channel 7 Eyewitness News came by to interview me about our unique partnership and what we’re doing for the community," said owner Steve Scro.
Scro and his new collaborators, Pat LaFrieda, of Pat LaFrieda Meat Purveyors, and VP at Sysco Metro NY, launched the market at a time when restaurants are closed because of the COVID-19 shutdown. The market is stocked not only with fresh food but paper towels and toilet paper, frozen fruits and vegetables, pasta, and dairy products. Shopping is safe for everyone: staff are clad in protective gear while maintaining social distancing with customers, who call ahead with their orders.
Customers may call 973-729-6464. Pick-ups are done starting 11 a.m. from Thursday to Monday at the restaurant, located at 1 Mohawk Lane (Route 517) in Sparta, N.J.