New memorial fund at Greater Pike will focus on pedestrian safety

Milford. The fund stems from the tragic loss of Richard Morais’ dog this past September.

| 26 Oct 2024 | 12:00

In the wake of a hit-and-run accident that took the life of his dog, Milford resident Richard C. Morais has opened a memorial fund in her name at Greater Pike Community Foundation with the aim of enhancing pedestrian safety. The Maya Milford Memorial Fund for Public Safety will “underwrite solutions that address the perils facing individuals trying to cross the borough’s busy streets,” Greater Pike explained.

Morais is a novelist and financial writer whose family has been in Milford for four generations. As previously reported, in early September he was attempting to cross at Broad and Ann streets with his two dogs, Maya and Sherry, when vehicle driving too fast failed to stop for them at the crosswalk, as required by Pennsylvania law. Morais and one dog managed to jump out of the way, but Maya — a 4-year-old Chihuahua rescue — was struck and killed. The driver did not stop.

This wasn’t the first time Morais encountered dangerous conditions while walking his dogs. “I cannot tell you how many near-death experiences my dogs and I have had trying to cross Milford’s crosswalks,” Morais said. “Every effort is a life-and-death game of chicken.”

In addition to opening the fund at Greater Pike, Morais, with several other Milford residents, has met with the Milford Borough Council, the chief of police, the mayor, and the Milford Enhancement Committee to explore solutions. Among the ideas being considered are redoing the crosswalks with reflective paint or cat’s eye markings to make them more visible and installing AI-enabled cameras to catch violators. The Maya Milford Memorial Fund at Greater Pike would help finance such efforts.

“Greater Pike’s board and staff were saddened to hear about this tragic and entirely preventable incident, and we extend our deepest sympathies to Richard and his family,” said Rick Little, Greater Pike’s executive director. “The creation of this fund in Maya’s memory will help address a growing concern in our community. We are honored to support this work to make Milford safer for all its residents.”

Greater Pike offers individuals, families, and local businesses an opportunity to provide a permanent and personal way to give back to the community. For more information about opening a fund or contributing to an existing fund, contact Little at 570-832-4686 or, or visit

Online donations to the Maya Milford Memorial Fund for Public Safety or any other fund administered by Greater Pike can be made via