PA congressional candidates detail policy plans

Milford. Pike County lies in Congressional District 8, which has two candidates to choose from this election.

| 18 Oct 2024 | 08:10

Pike County residents will have two candidates to choose from to represent them in PA Congressional District 8 this year: Incumbent Matthew Cartwright (Democrat) and challenger Rob Bresnahan Jr. (Republican). Both candidates were asked to share their policy priories, the answers of which are below.

Matthew Cartwright

Detail the first one to three bills you hope to have signed into law once you’re elected:

I’m fighting to pass bills that would bring good-paying jobs back to America, restore women’s rights, and secure our border.

First, my Made in America Act would bring good-paying manufacturing jobs back home. Too many jobs have left northeastern Pennsylvania because of China’s unfair trade practices. And relying on foreign adversaries for critical supply chains leaves us vulnerable to shortages, which drive up costs. That’s why I’m working to bring critical jobs back to northeastern Pennsylvania.

I will also prioritize restoring Roe’s protections into federal law, by passing the Women’s Health Protection Act. Politicians have no place inside a woman’s doctor’s office. We need to protect the rights of Pennsylvania women.

Finally, I’ve bucked my own party to fight for order at our southern border. I strongly support the bipartisan border bill that Senator James Lankford, a conservative from Oklahoma, wrote. This tough, fair bill would fix our broken asylum system and let the Department of Homeland Security close our border. This bill should already be law — but House Speaker Mike Johnson killed it, so his handpicked candidates like my opponent could campaign on border chaos. I actually want to solve this problem, not just run TV ads on it.

What existing state law would you work to reform and why?

I’m proud to be the only candidate in this race endorsed by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare — because I’m the only one with a plan to keep these programs from going bankrupt. Hardworking families pay into Social Security with every dollar they earn. But millionaires and billionaires don’t, which is why Social Security will run out of money in 2035. I’m fighting to close loopholes that allow the wealthy to avoid paying into Social Security on income above $400,000. My plan will protect and improve Social Security and Medicare, so seniors receive the benefits they earned.

How will you increase the quality of life for constituents in your District?

The cost of living is too high. Hardworking families are struggling to get ahead, while CEOs earn record profits. That’s plain wrong — and it tells us that executives are lining their pockets on the backs of workers. That’s why I’m committed to cracking down on price gouging and passing tax relief for working families. I took on Big Pharma to lower the price of drugs like insulin for our seniors, and I strongly support the FTC’s work to crack down on Big Oil’s price gouging. I know who really needs a break, and it’s not CEOs.

Rob Bresnahan Jr.

Detail the first one to three bills you hope to have signed into law once you’re elected:

First, I will work to secure our border, which has been shamefully neglected under the Biden-Harris Administration. We must end “catch and release” policies, finish the border wall, and prohibit taxpayer funding from relocating illegal immigrants into communities like we saw in Scranton. Strong borders are essential for national security and protecting local resources in northeastern Pennsylvania.

Second, I will work to end government overreach and red tape, which drives up the cost of everything from groceries to housing. An example of this overreach is the Biden-Harris gas car ban, which threatens our personal freedoms and makes new cars less affordable. By rolling back overreaching regulations like these, we can lower costs for families and small businesses while promoting job creation and economic growth.

Third, I will focus on reducing skyrocketing energy costs by passing a bill supporting an all-of-the-above energy strategy to embrace natural gas, fracking, and renewable energy sources. This approach will cut energy bills, protect jobs in critical industries, and ensure that our commonwealth remains a leader in energy production.

Together, these three priorities—border security, ending government overreach, and addressing energy costs—will improve the quality of life for people across Northeastern Pennsylvania.

What existing state law would you work to reform and why?

While I’m running for federal office and cannot change state laws, I strongly support expanding school choice. Every child is unique, and parents should have the freedom to choose an education plan that suits their child’s needs, whether that’s vocational training, traditional classrooms, or homeschooling. I believe the U.S. Department of Education can incentivize school choice through federal funding, encouraging states to provide more options for families. Empowering parents to make decisions in the best interest of their children will ensure every student can succeed.

How will you increase the quality of life for constituents in your District?

My goal is to make life more affordable and provide real opportunities for everyone in our district. As a small business owner, I understand the burden of excessive regulations and rising costs. Government overreach and inflation are driving up the price of everything, from groceries to gas. In Congress, I’ll work to cut regulations, reduce inflation, and bring down the cost of living. By focusing on growing the economy, we can create good-paying jobs and ensure that Northeastern Pennsylvanians can afford to live, work, and raise their families here.