Pike County gets federal grant for sewer expansion
Blooming Grove. U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-08) obtained $42,500 to design a project that will serve 250 county-owned commercial acres in Blooming Grove.

A federal grant of $42,500 and will be awarded to Pike County to design a sewage expansion project in Blooming Grove Township.
U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright (PA-08) announced the new federal grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission on Friday. The project will allow the development of 250 commercial acres owned by the county by providing long-term sewage disposal at the site.
“The benefits of these improvements will surely attract new development in the region, encourage business growth, and create more jobs,” said Rep. Cartwright, a member of the House Appropriations Committee. “I continue to be a strong advocate for programs that invest in our communities and boost our regional economy.”
County Commissioners' Chair Matthew Osterberg thanked Cartwright and the Appalachian Regional Commission for this funding, "which will help us to continue development of a much needed business park on county land. This project will greatly improve our local economy and provide important services to our residents.”
The Appalachian Regional Commission is an economic development agency that represents a partnership of federal, state, and local government. ARC awards grants from funds appropriated to annually by Congress for research on topics that directly impact economic development in the Appalachian Region. Projects must align with one or more of the five goals identified by ARC in its 2016–20 strategic plan and demonstrate measurable results.
Cartwright is a member of House Democratic Leadership and the House Committee on Appropriations. He serves as Vice Chair of the Commerce-Justice-Science Subcommittee and is a member of Financial Services & General Government and Military Construction-VA Appropriations Subcommittees. He also serves on the Committee on Natural Resources. Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District includes Lackawanna, Wayne, and Pike Counties and portions of Luzerne and Monroe Counties.