Pike County Librarian receives Certificate of Merit from PA Library Association
Milford. Rose Chiocchi “leads her library with innovation and enthusiasm, and she shares her knowledge and resourcefulness with her community,” says the announcement of her award.

Pike County Librarian Rose Chiocchi received one of only three Certificate of Merit awarded by the Pennsylvania Library Association this year.
Each year, the association honors the service of their members, as well as those community volunteers, who go above and beyond the call of duty to support the work of libraries throughout the commonwealth.
Certificates of Merit are awarded to individuals making outstanding contributions during the last five years in Pennsylvania.
Chiocchi is active with conference planning for the Pennsylvania Library Association, serving on the 2020 Conference Committee as events chair, moderating a very well-received author panel, and successfully winning the election to serve as the 2022 Conference Chair, said the association’s announcement.
“Rose leads her library with innovation and enthusiasm, and she shares her knowledge and resourcefulness with her community,” said the announcement. “In 2020, seeing a need when local blood supply was low, she held the area’s first pandemic blood drive.”
The two other awardees are Amy Geisinger of the Office of Commonwealth Libraries in Harrisburg and Leslie LaBarte of the Seneca Library District in Warren.
“Each year these awards allow us to celebrate a number of individuals who have gone above and beyond to make significant contributions to libraries and their communities,” said Tom Reinsfelder, 2021 president of the Pennsylvania Library Association. “The accomplishments of these recipients are valued by their peers and recognized by the PaLA Awards selection committee.”
“The Pennsylvania Library Association is able to do what we do thanks to the unwavering efforts of our volunteers and our members,” said Christi Buker, executive director. “These awards are just our small way of shining a light on what all librarians, library staffs and our volunteers do to continue promoting the value libraries bring to communities they serve. We are thankful for their support and engagement and are honored to be able to recognize their efforts.”