Pike fishing season almost here

| 10 Apr 2014 | 04:30

By Charles Reynolds
— Lori Strelecki of the Pike County Historical Society talked to county commissioners at their meeting last week about upcoming events connected with the county's bicentennial celebration.

The Zane Grey Fishing Derby is “catch and release” competition in honor of Grey's penchant to catch, measure and release the fish he caught when he lived in the area. In addition to be a great fisherman, Grey is known as the Father of the Western Novel, having written "Riders of the Purple Sage" and many other beloved westerns.

The derby runs from April 12 through July 6. Participants in the derby are encouraged to pick up measuring sheets at the Columns Museum or the Administration building in Milford, catch their fish, take a photo of it and then release their catch back into the waters. The photo can then be emailed to Lori Strelecki at pikemuse@ptd.net.

Wooden fish cutouts can also be picked up at the museum so that local artists of all ages can paint the fish (both sides preferably, according to Strelecki) and return them for display.

Commissioner Rich Caridi said that since Lily Pond was still frozen, the commissioners' derby, usually held on the first day of the season — which is April 12 this year — will be postponed. The date will be announced.

Commissioner Karl Wagner said wildlife personnel had to cut holes in the lake in order to stock it this year.