Public hearings to be held on proposed electricity rate increase

Milford. The township also noted a lack of funds for paving projects this year.

| 06 Mar 2025 | 12:10

Milford Township Supervisors had their first meeting of the month on March 3. Board of Supervisors Chair Gary Williams gave the Roadmaster’s Report. In an effort to conserve the Township’s salt supply, a 50/50 mixture of salt and sand is being used. As the weather breaks, there is clean up to be done of fallen trees and roadside brush. A large tree was recently cleared from blocking Schocopee Road. Due to a lack of funds there won’t be any paving done in 2025; however, the focus will be on filling potholes.

Electricity rates

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) will be holding public input hearings on the proposed Pike County Light & Power (PCL&P) rate increase. Two hearings will be held at the Township building on March 18, the first at 1 p.m. and the second at 6 p.m. Information on the remote public input hearings slated for March 19 can be found at the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission website: According to PUC, Pike County Power & Light serves approximately 5,350 residential, commercial, and industrial customers in Pike County.

Supervisors Board Vice Chairperson Rachel Hendricks encouraged residents to familiarize themselves with the available information and to attend the hearings to make their opinions known. She mentioned that the Township already spends about $500,000 a year to power the street lights, which has the potential to increase significantly. Four years of efforts to have PCP&L change the current street lights to LED lamps in an effort to reduce costs have been unsuccessful.

Other business

A local company, Myer and Myer CPA, was approved to manage the Township’s payroll and payroll taxes.

Discussions about obtaining fidelity and crime insurance from HA Thomson Company, as well as zoning map discussions, were tabled by the supervisors.

A letter will be sent to the water authority requesting attendance at the March 25 Planning Commission meeting to discuss an amendment to section 407 of the zoning ordinance.

Public comment

Concerned citizen Fred Weber spoke regarding tractor trailers parked on Route 6. He has asked who owned the land and the type of business conducted there. Weber received information from the Township dating back to 1986 and he found no documentation on how the trucks came to be parked there or Township approval of the area as a parking location. No action or investigation will take place at this time as the trucks have been parked in the area for many years. The trucks can be seen behind Lattimore Construction Corp.