Spongy moth funds still available for county residents
Milford. The spongy moth task force is also still accepting volunteers.

More than $250,000 is still available to Pike County residents conducting aerial spraying to suppress spongy moth populations. Through a county-wide cost share program, those conducting aerial application of at least 25 contiguous acres using bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), may be eligible to receive partial reimbursement of treatment costs. Reimbursement comes from a $400,000 grant from the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) that was recently awarded to the County.
The Pike County Commissioners’ Office began accepting applications earlier this year and continues to urge residents to apply. The sole use of the grant is to address the spongy moth infestation in the county.
Funding is available on a first-come basis and applications will be accepted until funds are exhausted. The 2025 Spongy Moth Cost-Share program application can be found on the Spongy Moth page of the County website: pikepa.org/spongymoth.
To ensure funds are distributed equitably among Pike County residents, applicants will be classified by treatment acreage and landownership.
Categories are as follows:
Category A: Homeowners associations/private landowners spraying between 25 and 299 acres.
Category B: Homeowners associations/private landowners spraying 300+ acres.
Category C: Hunt clubs spraying 25+ acres.
Category D: Businesses/municipalities/organizations/other spraying 25+ acres.
Approved participants are eligible for reimbursement of up to 25% of the total cost, or a reimbursement cap of $10,000 for applicants in categories B, C, and D. Approved applicants will not receive reimbursement until spraying is complete and supporting documentation is submitted.
To be partially reimbursed, applicants must submit an application (along with supporting documentation such as proof of a contract from an aerial sprayer licensed to work in Pennsylvania or a map of the spray block, etc.), be a minimum treatment area of 25 contiguous acres, treat only with bacillus thuringiensis, and treat areas via aerial fixed-wing or rotary application only.
Pike County Spongy Moth Task Force
The Pike County Spongy Moth Task Force is also still recruiting additional members. If you are interested in representing your municipality on the Task Force, contact Spongy Moth Task Force Co-Chair Jessica Yoder at 570-296-3500, Ext: 1382, to learn more. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 12 at 2 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room of the Pike County Administration Building, located at 506 Broad Street in Milford.