Spongy moth “severely” defoliating Pike County

Pike County. Spongy moths, previously called gypsy moths, have caused extensive damage, but experts say it’s too late to spray.

| 06 Jul 2022 | 08:17

Spongy moth (formerly known as Gypsy moth) caterpillars are causing severe defoliation across Pike County, Pennsylvania. Due to the extent of the damage and the advanced stage of the spongy moth it is too late to spray effectively, according to Pike County Conservation District experts.

Now the Spongy moth population has begun laying egg masses . When you spy an egg mass, be sure to scrape it off the surface and destroy it. Also, keep an eye out for the white adult Spongy moths, which are the females. These should also be destroyed as often as possible.

It is also important to keep an eye on them to see how many are impacted by the fungus and virus biological controls, and plan for next year. Look for egg masses in August and September, and visit the DCNR webpage (https://www.dcnr.pa.gov/.../SpongyMoth/Pages/default.aspx) for instructions on egg mass survey and how to make decisions on spraying for next year. Make your plans as early as you can.