Third graders have fun making ‘rocks’
Matamoras. This lesson took place in DVES teacher Adrianna Nelson’s class.
| 25 Jan 2025 | 08:10

Vivian Glover shows off her rock creation. (

Victor Ortega shares his crushed creation.

Wyatt Martine with his sedimentary experiement.
The third graders in Adrianna Nelson’s third grade class recently learned about sedimentary rocks and explored a hands-on activity where they created their own sedimentary rocks out of candy. According to the school, they smashed their jolly ranchers to create sediment, which is similar to weathering rocks. They then poured the sediment (small candy pieces) into a container.
The students used different color candies to show the different layers of sediment. They then put the students’ textbooks on top of the candy to simulate the pressure that creates a sedimentary rock. The class left them overnight. The next day the students were able to take their sedimentary candy rocks home with them to eat and enjoy.