Three high school seniors awarded scholarships
Milford. Jesse Russotto, Jacqueline Neckers, and Elizabeth Desmet received funds through the Greater Pike Community Foundation.

Two scholarship funds administered by Greater Pike Community Foundation have granted awards to three area high school students —all National Honor Society members — as they prepare for college and professional careers:
Jesse Russotto was nominated by Delaware Valley High School for the $1,500 Sydney Fluck “Syd’s Kids” scholarship. In her letter of recommendation, guidance counselor Jessica M. Favorito wrote that Jesse’s “unpretentious leadership, insatiable determination, and genuine compassion are commendable. It is easy to see that he has been raised with a strong character, work ethic, and resolve which are apparent in everything he does.”
A student from Delaware Valley High School and one from Wallenpaupack High School
Delaware Valley High School and one from Wallenpaupack High School each will receive $250 Pike County Chamber of Commerce Memorial Gouse-Krawitz Scholarships:
Elizabeth Desmet is the first student from Wallenpaupack Area School District to receive this scholarship. She said, “It’s such an honor to know that my hard work has paid off and others are willing to help me continue my education.” She said her mother and father, an occupational therapist and a physical therapist, inspired her from an early age. She hopes to develop and improve medical technology and will be majoring in engineering with a concentration in bioengineering at Lafayette College.
Jacqueline Neckers of Delaware Valley High School will major in business with a minor in legal studies at Temple University and hopes to have a career as a financial crime investigator. In her scholarship application, Jacqueline said her school’s chapter of Future Business Leaders of America gave her valuable skills: “My FBLA advisor Mrs. Angle pushed me to new limits and because of her I was able to find my passion and move on to new heights.”
For more information about the foundation contact Jenni Hamill at 570-832-4686 or