Township receives bids for bridge repair on Schocopee Road

Milford. The latest draft of the comprehensive plan will be sent to the county.

| 14 Aug 2024 | 12:20

Milford Township received five bids for bridge repair work on Schocopee Road, the board announced at their August 5 meeting. The low bid was $47,000. They will forward all five bids to the engineer to look at and report back at the next meeting on August 19.

The board of supervisors received the latest draft of the Milford Township Comprehensive Plan. They distributed it to the zoning board and planning board. The planning board requested it be passed along to county planning. The supervisors voted to allow it to be sent to county planning.

ARPA funds

The supervisors discussed $48,000 in unallocated federal ARPA funds. They allocated $6,500 for air conditioning in Town Hall and $3,000 for staff training. The board said it would consider using some of the remainder on the aforementioned bridge project.

Land use

A proposed amendment for Section 602.2 of the zoning ordinance will be sent to county planning for review. The amendment is intended to make it easier for small businesses to gain conditional use permits from the planning board and variances from the zoning board.

Other matters

The board expressed interest in having a report from the ambulance company at an upcoming meeting after reportedly not receiving a report from the company yet this year. The board also noted $41,000 in the ambulance bank account.

Tom Farley has resigned as planning board solicitor and the supervisors are awaiting planning board input before appointing a new one.

The board of supervisors would like to preclude anonymous right to know requests. Right now the attorney’s office is struggling with a large volume of commercial right to know requests.

The board voted to withdraw from the Regional Act 537 initiative, citing cost concerns. The initiative would have affected sewer hookups in the township.

Trunk or Treat received a temporary use permit for October 26, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with a rain date of October 27. And Milford Cub Pack 1071 received permission to use a township building on August 24 for a car wash.