Veterans Memorial Park and Education Center dedicates monument
Matamoras. The dedication will take place Nov. 16.

Veterans Memorial Park and Education Center in Matamoras will be dedicating the completion of their monument, “The World on Fire” on Saturday, November 16 at 11 a.m. The companion stones to the monument have been constructed with funds given to Veterans Memorial Park and Education Center by a $5,000 grant from the Greater Pike Community Foundation’s Richard L. Snyder Fund.
“Richard L. Snyder was one of Pike County’s greatest supporters. He was active in many cultural and civic organizations and he was a founding member of Greater Pike Community Foundation. It has been an honor to receive the grant in Richard L Snyder’s name,” the organizers said in their announcement.
Veterans Memorial Park and Education Center said its mission is “to make Americans of all ages aware of the sacrifices made by millions of men and women of all origins who make this nation of ours their homes. They did so because they wanted a life of freedom for their children and grandchildren. These monuments are our effort to accomplish that goal to make young and old alike aware of our magnificent history.”
Veteran’s Memorial Park and Education Center is located at 701 Avenue Q in Matamoras.