Where you can get tested for COVID-19 locally
Milford. Cases are rising in the tristate area and nationwide. Travel guidelines recommend getting test results before cross state borders.

With rising COVID-19 cases and travel guidelines recommending negative test results for individuals crossing state borders, Pike County residents and visitors should know where they can access COVID-19 testing at various regional facilities.
“Testing is a vital aspect of the response to COVID-19. People with symptoms or those who have been in contact with a confirmed case of the virus should be tested,” say the Pike County Commissioners. “The following sites are now serving our community.”
Dingmans Medical Center, 1592 Route 739, Suite 1, Dingmans Ferry
● Appointment required
● Referral not required
● Testing for all patients
● Drive-through
● If you are a current patient, call 570-828-8000 to schedule your televisit.
● If you are a new patient to the practice, pre-register at https://mycw26.eclinicalweb.com/portal2373/jsp/jspnew/preRegistration_new.jsp
● Web: dingmansmedical.com
Lakota Healthcare Family Practice, 2489 Route 6, Hawley
● $100 per test, patient can contact insurance provider regarding reimbursement/coverage
● Appointment required
● Testing in office
● Call in advance 570-226-2200, press 0 for receptionist
Walmart, 220 Route 6 and 209, Milford
● Schedule an appointment at myquestcovidtest.com to receive a test that can be administered at home. Park in Row 6 near the Pharmacy sign for curbside pick-up of your test kit.
Weis Markets, 112 Atlantic Avenue, Dingmans Ferry
● Appointment required
● Web: doineedacovid19test.com/DingmansFerry_PA_2625.html
Lehigh Valley Health Network COVID-19 Assess and Test, multiple locations
● Appointment required
● Referral required
● Complete an E-Visit questionnaire at MyLVHN.org or the MyLVHN app.
● Call the MyLVHN Nurse Information line at 1-888-402-LVHN.
Bon Secours, 160 East Main St., Port Jervis
● Phone: 845-858-7000
● Testing is available for current and former patients whose physicians are affiliated with Bon Secours Medical Group, Good Samaritan Hospital, St. Anthony Community Hospital and Bon Secours Community Hospital. Call your primary care provider for a referral.
● Appointment required
● Testing will be held on an intermittent schedule.
● The self-pay cost for an individual seeking a COVID-19 diagnostic test is $75.
Wayne Memorial Hospital, Stourbridge Complex, Maple Avenue and Route 6, Honesdale
● Prescription required for all tests. Orders may be faxed to 570-253-8209.
● Drive-through
● Open Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health website athealth.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Symptoms-Testing.aspx for more information and a map of testing sites in Pennsylvania.