Wife is second woman to seek protection from humane society director
Milford. The court granted Janet Heim a temporary protection order and prohibited her husband, Barry Heim, from possessing a gun for six months.

Janet Heim is the second woman to seek a protection order from Barry Heim, the longtime director of the Pike County Humane Society.
In the final court hearing on June 30, Judge Gregory H. Chelak granted Janet Heim a six-month temporary protection order from Barry Heim, her husband. They are divorcing. Judge Chelak also forbade Barry Heim from possessing firearms. The order is enforceable in all 50 states.
Barry Heim signed the agreement without any admission of wrongdoing. He was ordered to pay the $129 filing fee to the county prothonotary and a service cost of $86 to the county sheriff’s office.
Barry Heim was represented by Matthew Galasso, a Milford lawyer with a practice in criminal defense and family law.
Janet Heim was represented by attorney Jeffrey L. Earline, who provides legal representation for cases handled by the Victims’ Intervention Program of Wayne and Pike Counties. Earline is also representing Selina McGinnis, a humane society employee who alleges that Barry Heim sexually assaulted and harassed her and who is also seeking a protection order.
Janet Heim told the Courier that she is stressed out by fear of her husband. She said said can’t remember things like turning off the water faucet, and stops mid-sentence, forgetting what she wanted to say.
She lives in Shohola, on the property of the Pike County Humane Society. Barry Heim is living in Masthope, Lackawaxen.
Barry Heim is known as the director of the humane society, but its 990 tax filing for 2019 lists him as treasurer and Janet Heim as director. She is also listed as a member of the board.
Janet Heim said she had filed for divorce in 2018 and now, again, this year.
She wrote in her petition for protection that her husband abused her on the humane society grounds. She wrote that he slapped her, shoved her, and constantly threatened to hit her face and punch her. She said he pointed a gun at her during an argument then cocked it.
“He said I came real close to being shot, and he made a gesture with his fingers,” she wrote. “He said I had no idea how close I came to dying.”
She checked the box on the form that reads, “There’s an immediate and present danger of further abuse.”
Three friends, two from the humane society and one from the Victims’ Intervention Program, sat with Janet Heim in court. A member of the Pike County Humane Society’s board sat next to Barry Heim in court.
As Janet Heim left the courtroom, she said, “Who would have thought this would be happening after 36 years of marriage.”
Editor’s note: This story has been updated from the original.