March news from Milford's AARP - Chapter 3455

| 29 Sep 2011 | 08:21

    MILFORD - St. Patrick’s Day dawned bright and clear for the March meeting of AARP Chapter 3455. The good weather helped bring out 96 members and four guests. Kathy Stirrat is a new member and the guests were John and Mary Murray and Judy and Jim McAliney. There were many announcements at this meeting. Fran Mastromarino is now the Sunshine Chairperson. Anyone knowing of an AARP member who is ill is asked to call Fran at 570-828-8219, so she can send a card. Rita Mawn is recovering after a fall and a hospital stay. Rhoda and Bill Flynn were celebrating their sixty-first wedding anniversary on the meeting day. President Freed suggested calendars be marked for future events including: On June 2, an installation lunch at the Erie Trackside Manor for $22; On July 12, lunch at Mt. Haven for $19 per person with cards and games afterwards; On Aug. 16, a trip to the Forrestburg Playhouse to see Beauty and The Beast with lunch for $35; On Sept. 6, a picnic at the Best Western pavillion with games afterwards for $17. April 19, 2007 will be the chapter’s 25th anniversary and there will more information about the celebration plans. In other local events, the Good Shepherd Church of Milford will be holding a fund raiser event April 1 at the Cliff Park Inn from 6 to 9 p.m. The dinner choices include Norweigean salmon, chicken breast or filet of beef. Call the church office for reservations. On April 9 there will be a buffet breakfast at the Blooming Grove Fire Department on Rt. 739 from 8:30 to 1 p.m. Tickets are $5.50 and $3.00 for children. John Ferri, our new liasion, updated members on current events at the Senior Center in Blooming Grove and urged the members to attend. The centers St. Patrick’s Party is scheduled for March 29. Other events include an April 7 spelling bee, April 8 breakfast with the Easter Bunny. April 18 is the date for an Easter luncheon. April 28 is a retirement party for Nancy Watson at Mt. Haven at 5 p.m. If you are interested in any of these events call either 570-775-5550 or 800-233-8911 to make your reservations. The AARP speaker for March was Barry Heim of the Pike County Humane Society who gave a talk about the work and needs of the Society. Heim has many upcoming fundraisers planned such as a bake sale, photos with a real Easter Bunny, wine and hors d’oeuvres at Laurel Villa, and a golf outing. For further information call him at 570-296-7654. This Humane Society has many older dogs who would make good companions for seniors. They also have plenty of cats if you are interested in offering a good home to an animal. The fees are less for seniors who adopt. The next AARP meeting will be held at St. Patrick’s Church on Friday, April 21 at 1 p.m. For information on joining, call Beth Stickle at 570-828-7984.