No approval for subdivision

| 28 Sep 2011 | 03:05

    DINGMAN - Traffic safety remained in the way of any project approval for the Estates at Eagle Ridge last Tuesday. The Dingman Board of Supervisors withheld approval of the 39 home subdivision, on Buist Road, near the Route I-84/6 intersection. The supervisors were asked to address the project despite the lack of a recommendation from the township planning commission. The planners met immediately before the supervisors Tuesday, but did not receive updated traffic study material that the township engineer had called for. But developer Lawrence Fink’s traffic consultant, engineer Ken O’Brien appeared before the supervisors and reported that “The width of Buist Road along its entirety was adequate to handle the expected traffic flow during peak periods.” Residential neighbors contend that the road is too narrow and the planned access road would direct too much new traffic onto the road. But O’Brien said that, “The road is quite adequate to handle all the possibilities of potential increases in traffic from all types of vehicles that the new subdivision might require.” Neighboring homeowners say that the narrowest points of the 16’ to 20’ wide road are too narrow and have blind spots making it unsafe for passing large commercial vehicles or buses. O’Brien saw little likelihood of that volume of traffic on the road. Neighbors also asked if O’Brien had considered pedestrian traffic, as they said the road is often used by walkers. O’Brien said pedestrian traffic was not considered. In declining action on the project, Township Solicitor Klemeyer asked that O’Brien address the issue of traffic along the narrower sections and offer suggestions as to the possibility of increased “traffic signage” in the form of an addition to the report he presented. He also asked neighbor Vito DiBiasi to research town records and look for an easement or right of way regarding the Milford Professional Plaza, which DiBiasi claimed existed. An easement could provide another access route more acceptable to the neighbors. Both parties are expected to have all their documents ready for submission by December 31, prior to the board’s first 2006 meeting.