Delaware Valley beats Abington Heights in playoffs

Milford. Delaware Valley won three straight games against the team.

| 22 May 2024 | 02:32

We are now in playoff season for volleyball. Delaware Valley is rated #1 in the area and in their group. There are four area teams in Delaware Valley’s division that made it to the playoffs: in second is Wilkes-Barre and in third is Hazelton, who played each other in the first game. After Wilkes-Barre’s win against Hazelton, the school will soon get to play Delaware Valley, but first came the fourth-place team, Abington Heights.

Despite the height of Abington’s players, Delaware Valley was just too much for them. Delaware Valley won three straight games by the scores of 25-13, and that being after Delaware Valley scored the first 10 unanswered points, going up 10-0 and eventually building it to 22-10 before winning out the game at 25-13.

The second game was 25-18 and the last game was 25-13 again — quite a dominating victory against a tall and talented team.

Now Delaware Valley will play Wilkes-Barre for the sectional title this week.

Here’s a snippet of the plays witnessed: Chris U’Glay had nine kills, one block, and two aces. Luke Peereboom had a kill and a block. Gino Gualandi had three kills and an ace. Tommy Parker smashed four kills and three blocks. Ritesh Patel added three kills and a block while Aiden Papula had two blocks and two aces.

Now as I have said in the past, my totals are not official so understand that each player may have had more outstanding plays than my totals show.

My only comment here is that this team is capable of beating any team in the state if they play up to their potential. You’re in the home stretch now. It’s time to buckle down and smoke the competition.