Sunrise ceremonies remember Sept. 11

| 29 Sep 2011 | 09:28

DINGMAN - Sunrise Lake residents and Girl Scout Troop 540 honored the dead of Sept. 11, 2001 this past Sunday at a re-dedication ceremony for new plantings at the community’s Memorial Garden. According to Yolanda Goldsack, an 18-year resident of Sunrise, Bob and Bill Ramagosa donated a filled-in former swimming pool to situate a Sept. 11 Memorial Garden back in 2001. “I was thankful to them; we have been good friends for many years,” said Goldsack. Goldsack sent letters out to the community asking for help in getting the project started. To her surprise, many residents showed up with shovels, rakes and gloves, and the Sept. 11 Memorial Garden became a reality. Just in front of the memorial garden flag pole are three boulders set in the shape of an angel, representing the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and Flight 93. A memorial bird bath was added this year along with a variety of plantings. On this 5th annual memorial ceremony, about 50 residents came to honor those who died on that fateful day. Pike County Commissioners’ Chairman, Harry Forbes, Vice Chairman Richard Caridi and County Treasurer Michael Peifer also were on hand for the ceremony. “Whispering Pines Garden Center donated the plants for today’s event,” said Bob Goldsack, Yolanda’s husband. “Originally Roy B. Hull of Century 21 donated the flagpole, Sandy Leiser, Dingman Township Tax Collector, donated the sitting bench, and others donated their time.” Yolanda Goldsack said that residents have cared for the garden informally since its creation and often add to it anonymously. Caridi gave the invocation for the program. Goldsack introduced Girl Scout Leader Patty Davis, who had seven scouts in attendance. She called on each to step forward and tell of their role in the Memorial Garden project. “Although all the girls worked hard I would like to honor two girls who went above and beyond in their efforts,” said Davis. Special awards were presented to those girls, Lauren Davis and Kiana Ramirez, who each spent over 50 hours in planting more than 200 Daffodil bulbs in the garden this past year. Caridi and Peifer raised the U.S. flag, below which was a flag carrying the names of all those who died on 9/11.