Tennessee Gas Pipeline plans upgrade
WASHINGTON Now through March 29, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will be accepting comments on an Environmental Assessment for a 127-mile gas pipeline capacity expansion project, to be built in portions of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company has proposed construction, the installation of “loops,” sections where a second 30-inch pipe interconnects to increase volume capacity, starting in Western PA and ending in Passaic County, N.J. Loop construction is planned in Wayne and northern Pike counties, as well as Sussex and Passaic counties in N.J. Several compressor stations along the route of the “300 line” project will also be upgraded or replaced. Following FERC approval, construction is projected to begin after the remaining state and federal permits are approved in the fall. To view project details and maps visit http://elibrary.ferc.gov/idmws/docket_search.asp and enter the docket number: CP09-444. To comment by e-mail, visit http://www.ferc.gov/docs-filing/ecomment.asp and follow the instructions. You can call 202-502-8258 for assistance or e-mail efiling@ferc.gov .Additional information about the project can be had by calling FERC at 866-208-FERC (3372).