Yard sale for health care

It’s yard sale time of the year and the Wayne Memorial Hospital Auxiliary is joining in with a purpose, raising funds for the enhancement of health care. The mega two-day yard and bake sale will be held Friday and Saturday July 21 and 22. The Yard Sale will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. both Friday and Saturday at 1723 East Street in Honesdale. Proceeds from its fund raisers will help the Auxiliary reach its increased three-year pledge of $300,000 to the Hospital’s capital campaign, Operation Vital Signs. A new Women’s Imaging Center will be named in honor of the Auxiliary’s efforts. Pictured left to right are Yard Sale Committee members Karen Burlein, Auxiliary President Mary Lou Radell, Mary Washeleski and Millie McCormick. Co-chair Ilona Warshaw is missing from the picture. (Contributed photo)